Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's finally cold!

OK, so I know for most of you that the cold weather is just part of life...but this sucks. It has been in the 30's here at night. I know, I know, it's much colder everywhere else. You must understand though, cold weather down here is a gradual and brief experience. We all know it happens but are rarely prepared for it. Last week I had to put the AC on two nights in a row b/c it was still in the upper 70's. Oh well. At least with this cold weather it is now impossible to ignore the fact that Thanksgiving is just a week away and that X-mas is coming up soon. I'm still not sure what happened to the summer.

The good/bad/n ugly that comes along with the weather is that I am now able to see what trees need to come down on the back of my property. I may have mentioned that my house backs up onto what was decades ago a rail road. It was actually one of the first rail lines in the South that led to the development and later collapse of dozens of little towns throughout the South in the middle of nowhere. Once the trains were no more and the land just sat there for many years, the city/state finally dug up the old tracks and turned a few miles of this old rail line into a greenway. It is a very nice semi paved trail that leads through a few different neighborhoods. The dogs love running up and down as often as possible. Getting back to the point though, my fence runs along this path and the area b/w my fence and the path, or at least the part maintained by the city, was completely overgrown and filled with junk. Towards the end of the summer I started spraying some industrial strength round up in order to go in this winter and clear out the mess. Now that everything has died back I now have to start the dirty work. I'm not sure when exactly this will take place but I'm thinking sometime around x-mas break sounds good. I will then need to have cook out in order to burn all the dead wood. Sounds like a party!

OK enough rambling. See you all soon.

1 comment:

jeanie said...

I hear that y'all had 80 degree temps yesterday. Ain't it grand?