Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Slowly Moving Forward

So I just about have all the tile up. I ripped out the kitchen the other night. The AC was finally installed but seems not to be working properly. I along with Kate's brother Nick, who is my go to guy for construction, have met with numerous people about flooring and we think we should be able to have someone in there on Monday. We hope!
I have the wonderful task of scrapping the ceiling in the next day or two. Let me just tell you how excited I am about that. Then over the weekend I will paint and then just be waiting for the floors. I have decided to do a little kitchen remodeling but that should not take long. Just getting a friend to move some water lines. There's almost 3ft of crawl space under the house so that should not be difficult.
I know I still haven't put up all the pictures. I'm working on it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Realestate Flyer

So I have taken pictures but haven't gotten them up on the computer yet. Here is the online page for the house. I promise to get pics up soon.

A/C should be done today, so I will continue ripping stuff out tonight.

Monday, June 16, 2008

And So It Begins

First of all let me say that there is still no AC in this house. However I was not deterred b/c of that. On Friday after perhaps the quickest 20 minute closing I have ever seen, I was off to the house to start working.

I started by pulling up all the carpeting. Under two of the floors I found almost completely intact hardwood and the third room had newer plywood. There is still a good bit of tile that needs to come up but that is a more intense project that I am hoping to due tomorrow once I can get at least a window unit in the house. This morning a foundation guy started to repair 9 pillars under the house. This is to better stabilize the house and hopefully better level the floors. Once all of this has happened, I will be having someone put in new bamboo flooring.

If everything goes as planned I should be able to move in about two weeks. While I'm waiting I will be getting some help with fencing and start doing some other yard work.

I have taken pictures and will work and getting them posted asap.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Hey Everyone,

So I just found out that I am closing today at 2pm. I can't wait. This means I get to start doing all this work that I am been planning but unable to do. YEAH!

I will go this afternoon and walk through with a camera before I touch anything. I want the before and after pictures so everyone can realize really how much went into getting this to where it is going to be.

I will try to keep y'all updated as much as possible but if I get distracted for a couple of days don't be surpised.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Relaxing Weekend

OK, so this weekend my mom went up to the mt's with Seamus and Dad and I stayed home in Charleston. It was a wonderful relaxing weekend.
Dad worked most of the weekend and b/c it is already in the upper 90's here, I stayed inside with Tess and watched tv all weekend. It was great! I can't tell you what I watched b/c it was all random stuff but It was so nice just veging out.
I still have no updates on the house. Living with the rents is of course never as bad as it sounds. For those of you that have seen their house, they have a wonderful back deck that we have been slowly doing work to over the last couple of years and even though it is terribly hot right now. By the time we sit down for dinner around 8 it is really nice to sit outside. Luckily so b/c for about 1 month now my parents have been doing construction in my mom's sitting room/bath room. This means that my mothers entire wardrobe and all her random stuff is all over the house. It is not the ideal situation but once the room is finished it will really be nice.
Mom and Dad leave on Thursday to go see Molly in Cali. I spoke with her yesterday and she seemed to be doing well. She was out on the beach and enjoying some sun. This will be the first time any of us have seen her since we shipped her off over St. Patty's day. I know they are all very excited about the meeting and I will be sure to fill you all in once they return.

Ok time to go work. Hope you all have a good week.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Random Updates

OK, hey everyone. I know it's been a while. I tell myself I'm going to get better at this but oh well.

Let's see, what's happening. Well it looks like I might actually close on this house this week or next. After a nerve racking two weeks all the lawyers have finally settled on a price and the title should be cleared soon. So I went off today and met with one of many contractors that has been looking to get a piece of this pie. ie: the numerous aspects of getting this house ready...

The most important note that I should go ahead and tell everyone via blog instead of waiting for my parents to pass the info along, is that after 4 years of ups and downs Rachel and I have decided to go our seperate ways. Between me buying this house and her applying to Dental school, there were too many conversations that we kept not having and a few other issues. So we figured, or perhaps I figured that this was the best thing to do. We are of course still on speaking terms and are hoping to remain friends.

Ok well now that I've dropped that bomb shell.. I think that will be all for now...