Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Constantly Playing Catch Up

Hey everyone,

Once again I just can't get used to paying attention to this thing. I love it in theory but can't seem to remember to keep up with it.
Life is going well down here. Work is busy and the house is coming along. Abby and I are constantly tweaking one thing or another.

As for everything else.. Mom and I had a good as could be expected trip out to Cali to see Molly. We for the most part left her alone as she was mainly interested in seeing us for meals and shopping. That was fine b/c it aloud Mom and I to drive up and down parts of the Pacific Coast Highway. This was really beautiful. We also spent a few hours walking around Disneyland one day. This was pretty much what we expected it to be. Totally worth the people watching.
Molly will not be coming to the Farm for Thanksgiving but she will come home for X-mas.

There is not really any interesting news from Charleston. Mom and Dad finally finished all the reconstruction on Mom's TV room / closet / bathroom. After more than six months of on again off again construction from a lousy handy man they finally found some guys that finished the job in a little over a month. The room's look great. She has a closet most of you woman would die for and a nice walk in shower. We all spent a good bit of Saturday moving furniture back into place thus making the house more presentable. They are now able to put guest up once again.

And as soon as I can find a nice small bed for my spare bedroom I will be ready for guest as well. If anyone has a daybed like frame they would like to get rid of let me know. Perhaps I could strap it to the top of my car over Thanksgiving and buy a new mattress at home.

OK, well I should get back to work. Hope all is well.
See you soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you all again--bring those oyster knives with you, ok? Auntie B