Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mt. House

Rachel and I came up to the Mt. house this weekend it find everything just wonderful. The weather is ranging from the mid 50's to the low 30's. Looks like we have had a few strong storms up here while we were gone. There is a lot of large tree debris that as much as my mother will hate to hear, is just going to have to wait a while until I get around to clearing it all up. Perhaps closer to the spring I can convince someone to come up with me and just have a nice large outdoor fire one day... Any takers???
A side update on the house up here, for those of you that last saw it and were forced to sleep on areobeds those days are over. We now have nice queen size beds that we have outfitted quite nicely. So for those of you that haven't made it yet or would like to escape for a weekend just let us know. I can get up here almost any weekend as can my parents.
OK, well I'm off to start cleaning up this place so I can ensure my ability to return very soon.

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