Summer sure is here. Not only was it in the high 80's over the weekend but after a full day of partying on Saturday Abby and I were able to rally and join some friends out for a day on the boat. While I know longer own a boat I still have close connections with a friend that is often more than willing to take us all out. It was a great weekend. On Saturday Chris and I, along with some friends, held our now 8th annual Cinco de Mayo party. I'm not sure if it has ever actually been on the 5th of May but it is always a good time. It has grown into quite a crowd over the years and now includes not only some parents but also some friends that now have children. All around a fun time was had by all.
Next weekend Abby graduates from Nursing school so we are eagerly awaiting any news of a possible job. She is getting quite anxious but I'm sure something will come about soon.